The advantage stocks have over bonds is that if inflation rises, this net income payment stream should remain relatively constant in real terms ( assuming corporations can match the rise in input costs with price increases). 股票对于债券的优势就在于它对通胀的耐受性,如果通胀上升,就真实购买力而言,净利润也能保持相对恒定(假定公司能够通过价格上涨来转嫁输入成本的上升)。
Describing the Hopfield net in terms of energy has an interesting and important consequence. 以能量的方式来描述Hopfield网络有着有趣而且重要的意义。
The net result is that if you need to work with only part of the document model ( the "first" part, in document order terms), AXIOM delivers great performance. 最后的结论是,如果只需要处理文档模型中的某些部分(如按文档顺序的“第一”部分),AXIOM提供了优秀的性能。
Rural per capita net income and urban per capita disposable income should both rise by6% in real terms. 农民人均纯收入和城镇居民人均可支配收入均实际增长6%。
And that in turn raises a more unnerving question: if the exposures of the large European banks were measured in gross, not net, terms, just how much more vulnerable might they be to sovereign shocks? 这进而引出了另一个更令人不安的问题:倘若按总值、而非净值来衡量欧洲各大银行的敞口,当面对主权违约冲击时,这些银行会变得多么脆弱?
Empirical Analysis between Standards and Net Barter Terms of Trade in China 我国标准化与价格贸易条件的实证研究
Moving on, there is a long and rambling account of the history of COM, JAVA,. NET, and various terms which the author never really defines. 接着,本书又长篇大论且漫无章法地叙述了COM、Java、.NET的历史,以及许多作者从未真正定义过的各种术语。
As a result, say the authors, many people in high-income countries have negative net worth and, somewhat paradoxically, are among the poorest people in the world in terms of household wealth. 因此,该报告的作者们表示:在高收入国家中,许多人的净财富为负值。因此,从家庭财富角度看,他们是世界上最穷的人,这多少有些荒谬。
Between 1990-2001 the per-capita net income of rural households increased by 62 percent in real terms. 1990-2001年,农村居民家庭人均纯收入实际增长62%。
But as one of only two net exporters of oil and gas in Asia, its terms of trade should benefit. 但作为亚洲仅有的两个油气净出口国之一,马来西亚的贸易条件应该会受益。
Capital, net assets, and shareholders 'equity are the other terms for owner's equity. 资本、净资产以及股东权益是表示业主权益的其他用语。
Income terms of trade: The net Barter terms of trade weighted by the volume of exports. It gives an indication of the purchasing power of exports. 收入贸易条件:即以出口额加权的净易货贸易条件,以此表明出口带来的购买力。
One distinctive feature of net speak lies in the large amount of abbreviated terms including acronyms. 网络语言的特点之一在于使用大量缩写形式,其中包括首字母缩写。
The Chinese experience indicates that some tools of economics, such as the concepts of "net barter terms of trade" and the "smile curve," are of limited use for understanding Chinas foreign trade. 中国的经验说明,某些经济学的认识工具,如“价格的贸易条件”和“微笑曲线”等理论,对解读中国的对外贸易都存在局限性。
This would not add to the federal debt in net terms and would reduce the interest burden, if not the absolute debt burden, of households. 它不会增加联邦的净负债,并且有助于减少家庭的利息负担,即使不会减少家庭的绝对债务负担。
The Changes of China's Net Barter Terms of Trade and Analysis on Its 'Main Influencing Factors 中国价格贸易条件的变动及影响因素分析
The deal would amount to a 68 per cent loss for bondholders in net present value terms, according to people familiar with the talks. 熟悉谈判情况的人士表示,按照该协议,债券持有人的损失将相当于净现值的68%。
Study on Legal Issues Concerning CIFA Standard Trading Conditions; Empirical Analysis between Standards and Net Barter Terms of Trade in China 关于《中国国际货运代理协会标准交易条件》的法律问题思考我国标准化与价格贸易条件的实证研究
And as a significant component of the net language, the shortened terms are so unique in all their production background, way of dissemination, source and formation that they are well worth our exploration. 作为网络语言的一个重要组成部分,网络缩略语词无论在其产生背景、播途径还是来源与构成上都独具特色,值得进行深入探讨。
The per capita net income for farmers increased by 4.2% in real terms. 农民人均纯收入实际增长4.2%。
The term owner's equity refers to the owner's interest in or claim upon the business. proprietorship, capital, and net worth are other terms for owner's equity. 所有者权益一词指的是所有者在实业中的利益和对实业的主张权。业主权,资本和净值都是所有者权益的其它表达方式。
Firstly, this paper associates a price with a time transition, and gives the semantics for price time Petri net in terms of priced timed transition systems. 首先为时间变迁扩展价格参数,并使用价格时间变迁系统给出价格时间Petri网的语义;
People always pay more attention to the net barter terms of trade in the researching of the terms of trade. 在贸易条件的研究上,人们主要关注的是价格贸易条件。
Based on the retrieval examples from fulltext database of China Journal Net, this paper attempts to explore the methods of improving recall and accuracy ratio in terms of selecting subject terms and logical relations. 本文结合作者的文献检索工作实践,以中国期刊同专题全文数据库的检索为例,从选择主题词与配置合适的逻辑关系两方面探讨了提高文献检索查全率与查准率的方法。
Starting with the translation of some net terms, this paper attempts to analyze the common reception psychology of the public towards the translation of net terms, namely pursuing the psychology of lifelikeness, the psychology of novelty and the psychology of practicality. 本文从一些网络词汇译名的评析出发,引出作者的观点:网络词汇翻译的受众具有一些特别的心理特点,即追求新颖生动的审美心理、追求新鲜刺激的猎奇心理和追求简便高效的实用心理。
The Definition of Value Scope of Net Salvage in Terms of Double Declining Balance Method 双倍余额递减法下净残值率取值范围的界定
NET, IBM WebSphere and Sun ONE. This arti-cle compares them and researches in terms of Web services strategy, independence of operation systems, interoperability and develop-ment patterns. NET、WebSphere与SunOne,本文从Web服务策略、跨平台特性、互操作性以及Web服务开发模式等方面对这三种平台进行了比较研究。
Some problems in controlled thesaurus indexing are pointed out: low indexing efficiency, relation net among the descriptors and new terms aren't developed, and uncertain coordinate indexing. 分析了建立情报检索系统时受控主题标引的不足之处:标引效率低、语义网得不到扩充、不一致的组配标引。
Then, we can predict that the net barter terms of trade will still worse and the income terms of trade will still be improved in the future. 在对上述因素进行分析之后,本文预测未来一段时间内中美价格贸易条件仍会恶化,但恶化程度将有所缓解;收入贸易条件仍会改善。
Defined as ratio of export prices to import prices, net barter terms of trade ( NBTT) is one of the most important relative prices in international trade. 价格贸易条件定义为出口价格指数与进口价格指数的比率,是国际贸易领域中最重要的相对价格之一。